Have fun and feel good by shopping and finding discounts offered by locally owned businesses in your area. Not another mega-coupon aggregator!... Tinroof helps communities stay united by keeping local spending in the community. Free to users and performance based for local merchants.
Connects local shoppers to local business.
Create a deal right on your iphone in minutes to promote your locally owned business. FREE!!!
Find and enjoy locally owned secret spots anywhere you travel and shop.
Location aware - find and view all local deals that are near to you now.
Free to shoppers and performance based for merchants.
You can participate in a youth fundraising effort in your community.
Takes seconds to set-up a fundraising account and promote it within your community. No 501C required.
Easy to share deals via Facebook and Twitter.
Posting promotions is free, you only pay when customers redeem your deal at your location, visit your website, call you or email you, its your choice. First two redemption of your deals is on us, its free!
TinRoof is free for shoppers and pay-on-performance for local merchants.
1-2-3 click to create and post ads in less than 2 minutes from your iPhone, from your web-browser or upload your finished deal in seconds at
TinRoof knows when your customer arrives at your businesses location. Only pay a small fee of $2 when the customer shows up at your door! TinRoof creates foot traffic for your business before you pay.
You can choose from a list of local youth fundraisers or create one yourself. Save money for yourself and support a local youth fundraiser at the same time.